
India Radio & Electronics Association (AIREA) originally known as All
India Radio Merchants Association A.I.R.M.A was formed in the year 1936
and was incorporated under the companies Act in the year 1941 with 4
zones. In the year 1948, the Zonal Office for East, West, South and
North was established. In the year 1971 the name of All India Radio
Merchants Association was changed to All India Radio & Electronics
Association under the Companies Act 1956. Since then the AREA South Zone
has been serving for the cause of Electronics Trade & Industry in the
states of Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala & AndhraPradesh. The all India
total membership is about 4000 members.
AIREA promotes and
protects the interests of the Electronics Trade and Industry including
manufacturers, importers, exporters, Distributors, Wholesale & retail
dealers and persons interested in the sale, repair, servicing, insurance
or hire of radio, televisions and other wireless electronic goods
through a common policy to safe guard their interests.
promotes co-operation among companies connected with the electronic
trade and industry and represents the views of members on any matters
affecting the electronic trade and industry to the Government of India
or the Local Government, Foreign Government, Chambers of Commerce and
other public / private authorities by promoting or opposing the
legislative measures affecting the industry. AIREA arranges and provides
facilities for conferences, exhibitions, demonstrations, lectures,
excursions and other functions relating to the Trade and Industry. AIREA
through its representatives on various Government Committees makes a
substantial contribution towards the nation building activities of the
Government. Since AIREA is one of the largest and the oldest Association
recognized by the Governments, the views of matters affecting the Trade
and Industry could be heard and considered by the concerned Government
Authorities. AIREA's experienced members guide fellow members in aspects
of technical Trade and legal matters, relating to the Trade & Industry.
When there was
shortage of Electronic Components (BEL valves) in the late 60's the
association arranged to collect directly from the manufacturer and
distributed to its members by fixing quotas. Similarly during the period
of shortage of Eveready batteries in 70's the association by conducting dharna before Union Carbide Company arrange supplies of batteries to
members by quota system. One of the major achievements in 80's was the
total abolition of Wireless licence System for Radios & Televisions by
representing continuously to the Government of India. This has relieved
many dealers and the general public from the difficult task of
maintaining the registers, renewal of licences and harassment. AREA has
been instrumental in spreading the Television coverage to the length and
breadth of the Country and also for increased program hours including
other Indian languages. When the Television tubes were imported the
manufacturers could get their picture tube quota through AIREA. AIREA was
also responsible for abolition of Central excise on 14" Black & White
Televisions and on economy radio receivers. The Small Scale industry
could also get excise relief upto a certain turnover through AIREA's
representation to the Government of India.
Current Tasks
For the last Five
to Six years, AIREA has been representing to bring all electronic goods,
parts and components into a single category and subject to Uniform rate
of Tax, thus avoiding confusion and anomalies in the classification of
Electronic goods. AIREA has already become successful in bringing all
electronic parts and components into a single category. Efforts are on
to bring all electronic goods into a single category.